Things to Note

Hi there! Tiger Shark Pins is a teenie tiny business so we would like to ask you to keep somethings in mind when ordering.

1) We will try our very very best to get you your items as soon as possible, but there are a lot of factors that go into making that possible. We have to wait on a lot of things: manufactures, grading process, post office, etc. and we are not in control of a lot of those things. We would love to be able to be but we're not and we truly hope you can understand that and be patient with us. Trust us, we probably want you to have your product in your hand more than you do.

2) Please be truthful. We understand having a hard time with money and not being able to get things you want but keep in mind all the work pinmakers put into their products. We really don't make much at the end of the day because it all goes back to our shops. We spend hours upon hours designing, researching, talking to manus, fixing up our shops, quality checking, packaging, making labels, shipping, and so much more and it feels horrible having all that disregarded because someone decided to lie and file a false claim. Please respect all that we do, we love each and every person that supports us and we work so hard to give you guys the best deals we possibly can but it hurts when all of that is disregarded. 

3) Thank you so very much for supporting us and our products. We really hope that you enjoy them and know our hearts burst a little when your order is placed. We love you with all of our beings. Thank you.

                                                                                    -Tiger Shark Shop